Saturday, July 6, 2013


[Photo: Roman Aqueduct, Segovia, Spain]

Sebobriga is the ancient name of the city of Segovia.

Mention the word “Segovia” and two things come to my mind at once. The first is Andres Segovia, the virtuoso Spanish classical guitarist. He is recognized as the father of modern classical guitar. The second is the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia. It covers the province of Ilocos Sur and has Vigan for its seat. And just as New York is the New World counterpart of York in England, so Nueva Segovia is the Philippine counterpart of Segovia, a city in the autonomous region of Castile and Leon in Spain.

Segovia boasts of three landmarks: the Roman Aqueduct, the Cathedral and the Alcazar.

The best know historical monument of Segovia is its imposing Roman aqueduct. Built towards the end of 1 AD, it is still standing today – a testimony to Roman engineering genius. It is said that until recently (how recent is not stated) it was still in use. This towering Roman structure was what greeted me when I arrived in Segovia from the train station.

The cathedral of Segovia is huge and beautiful. It was built in the 16th century in the Renaissance Gothic style. It is huge not only in terms of floor area but height as well. When you go inside the cathedral, you will see pillars rising from the ground to meet the ribbed vaults that make up the ceiling of the cathedral. San Sebastian church will give you an idea of how a Gothic church looks like.

And speaking of San Sebastian church, it was there that I had my first confession and first communion. On the importance of preparation for first communion, Don Bosco had this to say: “With all my heart too I recommend to parents, teachers and all those who are responsible for the young, to give the greatest importance to this great act. Be assured that the First Communion very well made is a solid moral foundation for the rest of the child's life. It will certainly be an extraordinary thing to find anyone who has made this great act with real devotion and care and has afterwards gone astray.”

Alcazar de Segovia is a castle. (A castle is a large fortress, usually containing a palace, and normally has spiraling towers as well as a courtyard, and is frequently surrounded by a mote or by a cliff.) It was built in the 14th century. Isabel la Católica used it as the starting point of her royal procession before being proclaimed queen in the Plaza Mayor. It was here that the queen promised to finance the voyage of Christopher Columbus which eventually led to the discovery of America. If the castle of Sleeping Beauty was inspired by the late 19th century Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, the castle of Cinderella was inspired by Alcazar de Segovia. This was probably the reason why it looked familiar when I saw it from a distance.

In addition to the three landmarks, there is an interesting church in Segovia. It is called the Corpus Christi church. It used to be the principal synagogue of the Jewish population of the city in medieval times and dates from the 13th century. It was later converted into a church. It was perhaps for this reason that when I entered I felt that there was something different in this church but I couldn’t put my finger on it. There must be something of the old synagogue still enduring in it..

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